hello friend!
Welcome to Life in Apt B, you can learn about me here. My name is Needra. I’m a working registered nurse. I’m on the upper end of the millennial generation. I think it’s hard for people to believe that some of us are not all that young anymore, LOL! The purpose of my blog is to help millennials turn their apartments into homes. Who says we all can’t have a cozy space to call home even if we’re renting?! My husband and I have moved 13 times in 18 years! We have lived in 12 apartments and one house. So I’ve learned a thing or two about renting!
Our first move as a couple was from our first apartment into a house. We just felt pressure to do what everyone else was doing. So we bought a house! As soon as we signed the papers, we looked at each other wide eyed and realized we did not like the feeling of being tied down homeowners. We quickly agreed to flip our house in the most budget friendly way and sell it for a profit. This took us three years in total. We sold the house and have never looked back.
It doesn’t take a house to make a home, an apartment will do just fine!
I’m not alone
I have always felt that in some way I was chipped from a different block or not normal for not wanting to settle into a house. But I recently looked into how many millennials are still living in apartments or rentals. In America, nearly 20% of millennials say they will rent forever! So clearly I’m not alone! There are plenty of us out there who love renting. And because of that, there is a need to help people view their rental spaces as a home, whether you’re renting long term in a big city, or short term and moving constantly.
Your apartment should be a sanctuary to come home to, a place to relax and recoup from the day’s activities, a place to entertain friends and family, a place that is uniquely you. And it wouldn’t kill to spend time organizing it either, which I’m happy to help with! I have found many organization solutions that can move with you from place to place. A house or an apartment in itself does not make a home, we do! And I am here to help you along the journey of forever renting!
Traveling is such a great perk of being a renter!
In addition to our passion for apartment living, my husband and I also LOVE to travel. So it makes sense to share our traveling adventures and travel tips here. Any renter should take advantage of not spending money and time on home repairs and use those means to travel. It’s such a great perk of being a renter! So get inspired to travel!
Enough about me:) We hope you gather inspiration to love your homes and see the world! Happy reading!
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